【Ray版本和类库】ray 2.2.0, python 3.8, jdk 11
, Ray实例运行在本地容器A中,容器内分配IP1:
如: -Dray.address=
WARNING: sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass is not supported. This will impact performance.
07:49:06.765 [main] DEBUG io.ray.runtime.DefaultRayRuntimeFactory - Initializing runtime with config: {"ray":{"address":"","head-args":[],"job":{"code-search-path":"/root/code/python","default-actor-lifetime":"NON_DETACHED","id":"","jvm-options":[],"namespace":"","runtime-env":{"config":{},"env-vars":{},"jars":[]}},"logging":{"dir":"","level":"INFO","loggers":[],"max-backup-files":10,"max-file-size":"500MB","pattern":"%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %p %c{1} [%t]: %m%n"},"object-store":{"socket-name":null},"raylet":{"node-manager-port":0,"socket-name":null,"startup-token":0},"redis":{"password":"5241590000000000"},"run-mode":"CLUSTER","session-dir":null,"worker":{"mode":"DRIVER"}}}
07:49:06.773 [main] DEBUG io.ray.runtime.util.JniUtils - Loading native library core_worker_library_java in /tmp/ray/1677829746771.
07:49:06.908 [main] DEBUG io.ray.runtime.util.JniUtils - Native library loaded.
[2023-03-03 07:49:06,910 W 1731 1732] global_state_accessor.cc:390: Some processes that the driver needs to connect to have not registered with GCS, so retrying. Have you run 'ray start' on this node?
[2023-03-03 07:49:07,912 W 1731 1732] global_state_accessor.cc:390: Some processes that the driver needs to connect to have not registered with GCS, so retrying. Have you run 'ray start' on this node?
[2023-03-03 07:49:08,914 W 1731 1732] global_state_accessor.cc:390: Some processes that the driver needs to connect to have not registered with GCS, so retrying. Have you run 'ray start' on this node?
[2023-03-03 07:49:09,914 W 1731 1732] global_state_accessor.cc:390: Some processes that the driver needs to connect to have not registered with GCS, so retrying. Have you run 'ray start' on this node?
[2023-03-03 07:49:10,915 W 1731 1732] global_state_accessor.cc:390: Some processes that the driver needs to connect to have not registered with GCS, so retrying. Have you run 'ray start' on this node?
[2023-03-03 07:49:11,917 W 1731 1732] global_state_accessor.cc:390: Some processes that the driver needs to connect to have not registered with GCS, so retrying. Have you run 'ray start' on this node?
[2023-03-03 07:49:12,919 W 1731 1732] global_state_accessor.cc:390: Some processes that the driver needs to connect to have not registered with GCS, so retrying. Have you run 'ray start' on this node?
[2023-03-03 07:49:13,921 W 1731 1732] global_state_accessor.cc:390: Some processes that the driver needs to connect to have not registered with GCS, so retrying. Have you run 'ray start' on this node?
[2023-03-03 07:49:14,923 W 1731 1732] global_state_accessor.cc:390: Some processes that the driver needs to connect to have not registered with GCS, so retrying. Have you run 'ray start' on this node?
[2023-03-03 07:49:15,925 W 1731 1732] global_state_accessor.cc:390: Some processes that the driver needs to connect to have not registered with GCS, so retrying. Have you run 'ray start' on this node?
07:49:16.928 [main] ERROR io.ray.runtime.DefaultRayRuntimeFactory - Failed to initialize ray runtime, with config {"ray":{"address":"","head-args":[],"job":{"code-search-path":"/root/code/python","default-actor-lifetime":"NON_DETACHED","id":"","jvm-options":[],"namespace":"","runtime-env":{"config":{},"env-vars":{},"jars":[]}},"logging":{"dir":"","level":"INFO","loggers":[],"max-backup-files":10,"max-file-size":"500MB","pattern":"%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %p %c{1} [%t]: %m%n"},"object-store":{"socket-name":null},"raylet":{"node-manager-port":0,"socket-name":null,"startup-token":0},"redis":{"password":"5241590000000000"},"run-mode":"CLUSTER","session-dir":"/tmp/ray/session_2023-03-03_07-32-28_747703_1","worker":{"mode":"DRIVER"}}}
io.ray.api.exception.RayException: This node has an IP address of, and Ray expects this IP address to be either the GCS address or one of the Raylet addresses. Connected to GCS at and found raylets at but none of these match this node's IP Are any of these actually a different IP address for the same node?You might need to provide --node-ip-address to specify the IP address that the head should use when sending to this node.
at io.ray.runtime.gcs.GlobalStateAccessor.nativeGetNodeToConnectForDriver(Native Method)
at io.ray.runtime.gcs.GlobalStateAccessor.getNodeToConnectForDriver(GlobalStateAccessor.java:126)
at io.ray.runtime.gcs.GcsClient.getNodeToConnectForDriver(GcsClient.java:136)
at io.ray.runtime.RayNativeRuntime.start(RayNativeRuntime.java:92)
at io.ray.runtime.DefaultRayRuntimeFactory.createRayRuntime(DefaultRayRuntimeFactory.java:35)
at io.ray.api.Ray.init(Ray.java:32)
at io.ray.api.Ray.init(Ray.java:19)
at demo.JavaCallPython.main(JavaCallPython.java:17)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to initialize Ray runtime.
at io.ray.api.Ray.init(Ray.java:21)
at demo.JavaCallPython.main(JavaCallPython.java:17)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to initialize ray runtime
at io.ray.runtime.DefaultRayRuntimeFactory.createRayRuntime(DefaultRayRuntimeFactory.java:39)
at io.ray.api.Ray.init(Ray.java:32)
at io.ray.api.Ray.init(Ray.java:19)
... 1 more
Caused by: io.ray.api.exception.RayException: This node has an IP address of, and Ray expects this IP address to be either the GCS address or one of the Raylet addresses. Connected to GCS at and found raylets at but none of these match this node's IP Are any of these actually a different IP address for the same node?You might need to provide --node-ip-address to specify the IP address that the head should use when sending to this node.
at io.ray.runtime.gcs.GlobalStateAccessor.nativeGetNodeToConnectForDriver(Native Method)
at io.ray.runtime.gcs.GlobalStateAccessor.getNodeToConnectForDriver(GlobalStateAccessor.java:126)
at io.ray.runtime.gcs.GcsClient.getNodeToConnectForDriver(GcsClient.java:136)
at io.ray.runtime.RayNativeRuntime.start(RayNativeRuntime.java:92)
at io.ray.runtime.DefaultRayRuntimeFactory.createRayRuntime(DefaultRayRuntimeFactory.java:35)
... 3 more